RoseConnect Premium for iOS : Ver 4.08.05

Rose Connect Premium for iOS : Ver 4.08.05 Update

- Update date: Nov 4th, 2023 (Sat) PM 13:30 (GMT +9)
- How to update: iPhone > App store > Update “Rose Connect Premium” App
- RoseConnectPremium for iOS: Ver 4.08.05

[Update Contents]

  • Fixed an issue where users were being logged out while using Tidal/Qobuz.
  • Resolved a crash issue that occurred when logging into Qobuz.
  • Fixed an intermittent crash issue when entering the Tidal settings window.
  • Resolved an intermittent crash issue when entering the Feed View All.
  • Fixed an intermittent crash issue when entering My History.
  • Resolved an intermittent crash issue when entering the Recent Play View All.
  • Fixed an intermittent crash issue during device search.
  • Changed the Tidal-related content to display HiRes.
  • Changed the wording from “Playlist by Tidal” to “Favorite Playlist” in My Tidal.

Still have two Tidal icons in the system tray:


@admin With this newly released iOS App software, still have problems adding my own Radio streams as previously reported for iPad Pro - see this reported bug, Rose HiFi App - Rose Radio Adding a station screen layout bug - iPad

Also, Tidal ‘Queue’ on iPad shows ‘MQA’ icon when it is a FLAC 48KHz/24bit ‘HiRes’ track……

Incorrect in iOS App in Queue on right hand side:

Correct on front panel:

Same issue here, two Tidal icons and when removing one both disappear.

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When you add a song to play next in the cue, it says: ‘before X minute added’ in the cue list. That should be:’added X minute(s) ago.

After a couple of songs the communication between my iPhone and the RS 250 slows down to a point where it almost completely stops. The input on the keyboard is extremely slow and then suddenly speeds up so you don’t have a clue as to what you typed. The latest iOS update didn’t fix this issue that was also present in the previous one. Please fix this because it is extremely annoying.

yes…is something i saw on i pad …same behavior …it was present also on previous RoseConnect app

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

This feature could not be modified due to changes in the Tidal and Qobuz login policies in iOS RoseConnect. The software team says it will be reflected in the next update.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

In iOS RoseConnect, the queue still shows symptoms as MQA. We requested the API for this function. It will be fixed in the next update.

@HansRoggen @Maximus74

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The typo has been requested to be corrected by the software team.

I would like to ask you a few questions regarding the second point that is causing you discomfort.

  1. If you search for a few songs on the iPhone without playing them in the RoseConnect app, can you use the keyboard normally?

  2. Is there any inconvenience when using the keyboard.
    iPhone RoseConnect app–>Settings–>Search history option–>“Clear search history” or turn off “Stop search history”

  3. You said that the app becomes slow when playing some of your songs.
    Can you take a video of the loading or buffering symptoms and send it to the email address below?


Hi Rosehan,

It doesn’t make any difference whether a song is playing or not.
I deleted my search history and enabled stop search history and it’s still the same. It gets worse the longer I use the app.
I could make a screen recording of my phone but then you wouldn’t be able to see the lag between the touch and the appearance of the letter. When I am typing a word or clicking on a button, nothing happens for a few seconds and then suddenly all the letters appear very fast after each other. When I click play on a track, there’s no lag.
I found another bug when playing tracks from the new feed. The album art is missing. See pictures.

As always, thanks a lot for all your help and effort.

Hi HiFi Rose

SOS! This problem need your immediate attention. After update the Apps on iPad and 150B, the artwork per albums which stored at NAS cannot be shown. How I can solve this issues?


I agree ,same here .
Don’t want to point a finger here,but Rose IOS App or Last Firmware are not working well.
It happens to me and on my clients Rose RS130.
Please fix it asap…it’s frustraiting.


@Maximus74 @Georgie @HansRoggen

We confirmed that the album cover does not appear in the iOS RoseConnect app when playing music from feed or NAS. This symptom will be corrected and distributed in the next update.

When using the iOS RoseConnect app, as soon as you enter a word or click a button, does nothing happen for a few seconds and then suddenly all the letters appear one after another very quickly? Or does it work normally at first and then become slower as time passes? What kind of movement does this phenomenon occur?


Thanks for getting back to us.

At first it seems okay, allthough I’ve seen apps that are a lot snappier than the Rose Connect app.
The longer you use it, the slower it gets up to a point where it is no longer usable and you have to supress the urge to throw your phone against the wall. Everything slows down. You type some letters, nothing happens, until they all appear at once. You realize you made a typo, so you try go back a few spaces, nothing happens, until all the letters disappear at once. Then you see you haven’t gone back far enough, so you type backspace again, then suddenly it goes back one space further, and so on, and so on. If your phone still is in one piece at that time, you press play and nothing happens, so you press it again, but then playback starts and stops, etc, etc.

HansRoggen said it well ,with all his explanations…
You don’t have to use it very much to became slower and non responsive.
Even if I stop for few minutes restart the app ,it seems slower in response when I search something ,or if I move from Tidal to Qobuz or Rose Tube ….ONE thing is for sure ,is the first time in a year when is frustrating to use your app in any of your products.
We are not complaining for the sake of complaining,I am sure if your team use the app they will have the same behaviour….I cannot blame my phone for that ,or the iPad ….at least I hope.
And by the way …Rose RS130 is by far my favorite Network Transporter on the market right now for everything regarding sound wise ,build quality, and look ……bot not you app or last firmware or whatever it’s not working.
I am very eager for your next update,hope will fix many of Rose problems .
Thanks a lot for your help and your will to help us.

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The 14.08.06 version isn’t any faster at all, but the album art is now showing when playing songs from the feed.

@Maximus74 @HansRoggen

We are not experiencing the same symptoms as you.

Please check a few things.

  1. Approximately how long does it take for these symptoms to occur after using the RoseConnect app?
  2. What app do you mainly use when using the RoseConnect app? (Music, Tidal, Qobuz, etc.)
  3. When you are not using the RoseConnect app, which screen do you usually keep it on?


The symptoms usually appear instantly but sometimes it takes a few minutes

I usually search in the Qobuz app within the Rose Connect app. I no longer have Tidal, so I can’t check that anymore.

I usually start out on the Rose Home page and the search field on top of that screen.

Below is a screenshot I took after typing some letters. There was time enough to take the screenshot after typing those letters. This is in the Qobuz app in Rose Connect and this happens all the time.
My internal network is very fast. I have no issues with other devices.

Addition/Edit: Searches in Rose Home are okay. Searches in Qobuz/Rose Connect are slow

Personal play list not working Qobuz :man_shrugging:t2: