Notice Regarding RoseTube Playback Issue

Did all the steps but rose tube still crashes :upside_down_face::weary:


I tested the rosetube at my home and it continued to work normally,
except when attempting to set:
Use youtube
to switch from off to on.
The following message then appeared:

Rose tube has stopped.
reopen the app.

RoseTube will continue to play.

I performed a restart and everything worked normally.

A second test with the Use YouTube function yielded the same problem
but did not require a restart.
RoseTube worked again.

There is indeed a problem with Use YouTube.

I have not changed the YouTube setting and left it off.
A test with YouTube also works normally.

I hope that it can help you.

Thanks for trying to help but didn’t understand you (i try also to translate your post). What is the setting USE WITH YOUTUBE?

Rosetube’s next tests were:

  1. Launch RoseTube and play any selection from the music menu provided.
  2. Start RoseTube and choose viewfinder.
    In this finder you can place a search key that will start for you in YouTube.

Example: You are in Europe and would like information about a capital.
If you choose Amsterdam or Brussels or Paris or London, etc., a list will appear with your choice.
Make your choice now and your chosen youtube video will start.
To make a clear difference between RoseTube and YouTube, I have chosen a keyword that
has nothing to do with music.

The results in these two tests were possible and worked without any problems.

There was only one error message:
And that’s when I attempted to toggle “Use Youtube” from off to on in RoseTube’s settings.

See photo. The arrow points to the on/off of Gebuik Youtube.
20240909_152634 - Kopie-klein

But i can play anything on rosetube (youtube) except live channels (24/7 radio) then rosetube crashes. Sorry but i really don’t understand you :weary:

Sorry maar ik snap er niks van. Je post is zo mogelijk nog vager dan je foto. Wat is nou het probleem?

Hi guys,

I don’t know if that’s what you mean by live streams on RoseTube.

Everything works fine for me (RS520). The app doesn’t crash for me.

Another stream also works 24/7 on RoseTube. I also use a VPN and no problems with that either.



Now I was interested and deleted RoseTube and reinstalled the latest version from the RoseStore…then I looked for the favorites of the 24/7 live streams (where they still worked via the app) and tried to open them in the newly installed RoseTube app. Now no live stream opens 24/7 for me either and I get a message on the RS520 display saying that I should restart RoseTube for a stable run. I did that and only the search or ring buffer appears.

If only I had left everything as it was :weary:

But the Rose Crew will definitely take care of it quickly.

That’s exactly what it is happening to me since more than 1 month

I’ll pass on the update until this gets resolved. Rose tube has been such an amazing extra. I love watching live concerts and this give me access to many that can’t be found on disc.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please answer a few questions.

  1. What is your Rose device system version?
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>System version info
  2. Is the latest version of Rose Tube App installed from the Rose Store?
    Rose device–>RoseStore–>Rosetube


here is some information that you wanted to know.

  1. I wrote that. Yes, I installed the latest RoseTube from the store yesterday.

  2. See pictures


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We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

This issue cannot be modified in the official version.
Please update to EA version. Then, you can watch live videos on Rosetube without crashing.

Hello again @ROSEHAN,

I just opened RoseTube again and a favorite of the 24/7 live streams from my favorites opened. If I tap on another favorite of the 24/7 live streams, “nothing” works and the same context menu appears again (that I should restart RoseTube). You can’t control anything anymore, unless you switch to your music or Rose Radio, for example.

As I wrote, I only tried it out of boredom yesterday and don’t listen to such live streams at all. But it’s interesting to see what problems other Hifi Rose users have, which in most cases are certainly not the end user’s fault.



I am happy with my RS520 and the applications that I use in the official normal Rose software version. The thing with the live streams, okay, I’m sorry for Rose users who use something like that, as I wrote, I don’t use it, and I can use everything that I “sometimes” watch in RoseTube. I watch videos, whether on the RS520 display or on my LG OLED TV. Everything I use works.

But I only use a small part of the applications that this device has to offer. When I see what the hi-fi fans (buyers) of the Rose 130/150 write, they naturally want to use their device to its full potential, which should be a given for such an expensive device. Unfortunately, I read a lot of complaints.

Have a relaxing day at work and a nice evening with your family and, above all, stay healthy.


It is not true, i told you i am on EA version with the last rose tube app and live stream doesn’t work.

Do you really read the post?

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I’m asking this question not only for you but for everyone who has this problem.
We are continuing to check on this issue.

I’m on the latest version …01.51
It crashes when choosing a live stream.

I think this is caused by YouTube as they are getting more and more aggressive with advertisements Ever longer, more and now even inside livestreams where there were none before.

So people, don’t just blame the Rose team. I’m pretty sure it’s Google / YouTube’s fault here.

Also, since there are less adds in livestreams I just eatch them with my TV’s YouTube app. Or swap to Rumble.

Good morning @Jeep,

I agree with you. I notice it too when I want to download a video or music from YouTube. I use the YT song downloader for this and then I can download in peace until it is updated again. YT/Google is trying to restrict it a lot.


If Rose offers such a great thing as RoseTube, it should work for the most part. Well, the YT song downloader is just software that the people there have to monitor and keep running and what does Rose have on her device to ensure stable operation, a lot. Hats off to that!.. and as you say: There is always an alternative way to listen to such, in this case the 24/7 live streams.

With platforms like YT, there will always be restrictions (outages) because they tighten the screw on copyright infringement very strongly…

Ok people

I investigate and found some craziness :

When i am on rosetube (ea connect) on play recent rosetube section if i select a live stream = rose app (on rs250a) is crashing

But when i do a search on rosetube (ea connect) and then select a live stream = no crashing and plays ok

It also doesn’t crash when playing from playlist of the player (ea connect)

Unfortunately on YouTube section of rosetube (ea connect) playing a live stream = crashing of rosetube on rs-250a

Hope it helps to find the problem


This part has now been modified and is being reviewed before distribution.