RS130 User Interface


The more you post the more amusing it becomes.

A) I2S is a useless joke.
2) To obtain the best 2-channel sound you need… well, not RS-130 and not AVM90. RS520 would do everything 2-channel related much better. Of course you could get the same or better sound quality for even less money, but it would not look as nice.
3) There is no indication, certainly not in AVM manuals, that it does DSD anyway.

Your insistence on pounding a square peg into a round hole would be admirable if it were aimed at something productive.

Using HDMI (as HDMI, of course) from RS130’s HDMI output into AVM90’s HDMI input is the only reasonable approach if you insist on using totally inappropriate products.

I never said I desired DSD. I just showed the limitations of the RS130 ports, as stated by @ROSEHAN at RS130 with BRYSTON BDA-3 DSD issues - #2 by ROSEHAN. My intention was to be informative for the readers.

@Boris So what are appropriate products? Do realize, I already own an AVM 90 which has a reasonably good Sabre DAC (i.e., ESS9038PRO), an incredible Room Correction system named Arc Genesis, and more.

To understand the Sound Quality of the AVM 90, read the AVM 90’s Owner’s Thread at In this thread, there are many posts from Audiophile Reference Level System owners who boast about how incredible the AVM 90 sounds.

You are conflating PCM and DSD which are entirely different things. “PCM up to DSD128” is not informative because it means nothing.

A one-box solution – (since these are Rose forums) is RS-520 and a speaker-level switchbox.

Alternative solution, since you must have some power amps with that AVM90, either RS-150 or RS-250 and a line-level switchbox to the power amplifier for front channels.

Easiest though, would be either RS-150 or RS-250 (really, depends only on the size of screen you want) connected to the AVM90 with HDMI. That way you can use ARC (which is a good thing).

I know that it is a very goof HT processor, it’s on my shortlist for when I finally decide to use the “media room” as a media room instead of a warehouse :rofl: The problem is that it is very much designed for home theater work and does not make much concessions to straight stereo. Other than using the HDMI connection there is no way to get (very) high resolution signal in (well, strictly speaking 192/24 that you could get in over S/PDIF coax would not sound any different from 768/32, but I understand how annoying it could be to know that it is available, but you can’t get it), nd there is no direct analog input, anything analog would be digitized to 192/24, so using a “better” (or higher resolution anyway) DAC is pointless.

If you didn’t have it yet I would suggest something like Marantz AV10 which has a pure direct analog path, or a Primare SP25 which has a proper USB input and can handle 768/32 PCM or DSD512 (both support Dirac Live, which shouldn’t be any worse than ARC). But since you already have the AVM90, just use HDMI from 15/250.

Edited June 17, 2024 To better described AVM 90 as Stereophonic Prepro.

@Boris I just read the HiFi Rose RS520 Website. The RS520 is described as an all-in-one Audio Streamer, Pre-Processor, Power Amplifier, CD Player/Ripper (with use of RSA720), and a limited Video Player.

So, you believe that this RS520 product’s Audio Streamer produces better streaming sound than the RS130 which has Fiber Optic SFP capabilities, Linear Toroidal Power Supply, ‘supercapacitor’ UPS feeds (battery), and more. Hmm! I disagree.

RS520 Pre-processor capabilities is in a much lower league than the AVM 90. For example, AVM 90’s ADC capability uses 768kHz, DAC’s are the same, as previously mentioned the AVM 90 has a powerful Room Correction system which balances up to 9.4.6 speakers for your room’s acoustics – it even adjusts phase polarity of your subwoofers. The AVM 90 is both an impressive Home Theater system & Stereophonic system. It supports up to 40 virtual inputs (each input defines a room measurement (e.g., only one person MLP room focus, or say a group room focus). In addition, each input defines the speaker configuration (e.g., 2.0, 2.2, 5.2, 5.2.4, etc.). With this AVM 90’s powerful room correction capabilities & virtual input focus, many Audiophiles have stated (in the AVSForum AVM 90 Owner’s Thread) they’ve sold their stereo prepro after purchasing the AVM90. Need I say more.

RS520 Power Amplifier is in a much lower league than my Macintosh MC 255 power amplifier & my Anthem MCA 525 power amplifier. Both these amplifiers have proven power management to easily drive 2, 4, 6, 8 ohm speakers.

RS520 CD Player is in a much lower league than my Magnetar UDP900. Just read up on the Magnetar UDP900’s universal disc playback (CD, SACD, DVD-Audio, DVD, Bluray, UHD Bluray, etc) and read its impressive audio capabilities. You’ll see.

I won’t continue any further about your boast that the RS520 is a much better product. I’ll just say, I disagree.

Edited June 19, 2024 To elaborate on AVM 90’s analog input capabilities.

The AVM 90 has a user setting option to accept a received analog signal as is or to do digital processing. If the latter is selected, the AVM 90’s ADC converts the analog signal to digital (at 768khz which means no noticeable loss of sound quality), then proceeds to do digital processing (ie, speaker crossovers, room correction, etc) then do Digital-to-Analog conversion and lastly, pass the outcome analog signal to the power amplifiers which in turn drives the speakers.

BTW, Many Marantz AV10 owners have switched to AVM 90 and said they are happy puppies!

Tell @ROSEHAN. It’s his quote.

Errr… it does not even have a CD drive, so I’ve no idea what on Earth you were reading.

RS-130 does not produce any sound whatsoever, because it has no DAC. It just throws bits around.

All those things that you listed here exist for one purpose only, to separate people like you (which is, sorry to say, clueless) from their money. You may disagree all you want, it;'s your money after all, but coming from someone who has no idea what a “data rate” is or that PCM and DSD are different things it’s… a bit unconvincing.

You do not have to keep showing the world that you have no clue what you are talking about. RS520 does not need any preprocessor capabilities, and both are using exact same DAC. Room correction is much better done in Roon anyway, although it is nice to have it.

If you want to play some fake surround music, you don’t need a stereo streamer anyway, and for stereo having thosec15 channels is meaningless.

Than a Macintosh… maybe. It doesn’t have real blue VU meters! Than MCA525, not by any stretch of imagination. Of course you need to know what an amplifier is to actually compare their leagues. Do you even know what an Ohm is?

RS520 does not have a CD, so as usual you are talking out of your behind.

Magnetar is a perfectly fine player. After all, it has the exact same DAC as the RS520. And if you are using DACs in your processor (which, incidentally, are also the same) then it does not matter, and your Magnetar works perfectly fine. Just as well as a $150 Sony from Walmart would.

Be my guest. Although you are in no position to agree or disagree about anything, because you are so clueless that you don’t even know that you know absolutely nothing, including what any of those big long words you’ve pasted here mean. Come on, tell us how “Fiber Optic SFP capabilities” affect sound, and what “Linear Toroidal Power Supply” is.

Why don’t you go on some watch forum and tell people how your platinum IWC watch keeps better time than a Casio.

No, not really. “Audiophile” is a synonym for “idiot.”

Uh huh. And even more picked Marantz, because it has better sound.

Nope. You just aren’t capable of understanding what people are telling you.

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Edited June 19, 2024 To remove a personalized comment.

I refuse to sell any of my HT/Audiophile System components for RS-products that don’t match the league of my speakers.

@Bonet says you know your stuff. I believe him. Just don’t say things like

  • “The more you post the more amusing it becomes.”
  • “They are happy, as people of low IQ often are.”
  • “BS Audio”

@Boris Be respectful. Say PS Audio,… People will then read the post coming from a true expert who respects others “err”.

Remember, everyone was a newbie at one time. Permit newbies to post without fear of being criticized – don’t criticize, educate.

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Edited June 17, 2024 to remove the insulting statements (@Boris Sorry about that).

Please don’t say anymore.

Room Correction is very complex software. IMHO, I doubt Roon’s “room correction” is as sophisticated as Anthem’s Arc Genesis.

I will no longer reply or read your posts. You’ve convinced me, it’s not worth the effort. I tried to be make peace with you but you refuse to accept it. You just continue to make hateful comments and sometimes make “errs” too. You’re human.

I apologized to the other readers of this thread.

I got caught in Boris’ web – Boris & I consumed the thread with off topic discussion. My posts will now be back on this thread’s topic "RS130 User Interface"

P.S., I’m asking this thread’s moderator to delete all posts starting with post #19 – and if possible I’ll ask that all posts to be deleted, be moved to a new thread called “Asking Anthem to support i²s on their AVM 90”.

LOL. Yet another audiofool who thinks that spending more money gives them better quality. Or some kind of special insight into equipment.

People (or companies) should earn respect first. While Uncle Paul is a great marketer, and deserves some admiration as such, at least if you care to respect a person who will turn on a dime and start claiming something completely opposite to what he was claiming yesterday, based on what BS Audio has for sale currently, as a manufacturer of HiFi equipment they deserve none. When they manage to design something that is at least approaching state of the art, we’ll see.

Huh? You just keep saying things you have no idea about. Maybe, just maybe, it’s you who isn’t very intelligent?

Everyone here is human. Maybe if you haven’t had delusions of grandeur and asked “I have an Anthem AVM90, what is the best way to connect a Rose streamer to it?” we could have been done in one message here (answer is, any of the RS130, 150, 250, 520 would work equally well, with an HDMI connection. There. Done.) Instead, you believed yourself to actually know something and spent half the thread claiming that AVM90 supports I2S, and you just need a pinout…

And so far you haven’t been correct on any factual statement. You haven’t even managed to ask a single question that makes sense.

They won’t. It’s impossible. Would require entirely new hardware. And would serve no purpose at all whatsoever.

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First, read the RS130 User Manual at [RS130] Owner's Manual : HiFi ROSE

Unique to HiFi Rose Players

The Queue is the primary focus of the RS130’s User Interface ← when you select and press PLAY, the selected item is queued. Music/Video is played as ordered in the queue. Swipe right to left, to see the currently queued items on the right side of the screen.

Following are “How to…” threads that I recommend newbies to read:

Edited June 26, 2024 – Added the following two threads for newbies:

Edited Ju,y 7, 2024 – Added the following thread for newbiews:

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Thank you @HMANAZ for the following RoseConnect image – image was copied from RS130 Connection: for best streaming audio quality & best file playback audio quality - #2 by HMANAZ

The above image is the Settings screen. Take Note of the screen’s bottom line which list the different media you can go to (e.g., Music, Video, RoseRadio, RoseTube, etc). So far, the general screen organization of the RoseConnect app seems to be quite intuitive.

The following image shows the “queue”. This image is from @Sebrof at Which Streamer/Transport has the best software - #19 by Sebrof

Sebrof said: On the iPad the queue moves to the right to hide, or moves left to view (it is moved left in the screenshot below). I can tap any song and it will play from that song and then continue playing the next songs in the queue.

Using the queue’s top right icons: The trash can icon allows me to delete what I want in the queue, the up/down icon allows me to move the songs in the queue, and I haven’t figured out what the 3rd icon does (it looks like a file folder??).

Thanks to @Sebrof for great queue & playlist explanation:
To see Sebrof explanation, click:

Playlist screen:

Video Tutorials:

  • Playlist, Queue & Play Options (5m07s):
  • Add Radio Channel (1m53s):
  • Music (8m35s):

Thanks to @Ben for showing there’s a “Recommendation” feature in the Android app. See Recommendation Feature

Thanks to @Rosehan for describing How to edit a Playlist – see Play list edit.....15 characters - #6 by ROSEHAN

The following steps is for Android-based phone/tablet:

  1. RoseConnect app–>Home–>Explore–>My playlist–>View all
  2. Select the Playlist containing the music you want to delete.
  3. Select the three dots icon to the right of the heart-shaped icon in the center of the screen and click “Edit playlist.”
  4. Press the trash bin high icon to select the song you want to delete.
    Once you have selected the songs you want to delete, press the Delete button.

One of the images shown in Rosehan’s description, is:

You should see how amazing these features are in Roon :slight_smile: Rose is a great streamer the UI/UX not so great.

Regarding playlists, see this 1m 45sec video,